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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
2. In the Method area, select System check.
3. Click Check.
Wait until the system check is performed. The possible causes of the CPE problem are
displayed on the page.
4. Click Export to export the detailed information to the computer.
If necessary, send the detailed information to maintenance personnel.
9.4.4 Checking the Wireless Status
This page displays information about the wireless network status, such as the PLMN, service
To view the wireless status, perform the following steps:
1. Choose System > Diagnosis.
2. In the Method area, select Wireless status check.
The Wireless Status page is displayed.
9.5 Logs
Logs record user operations and key running events. To view logs:
1. Choose System > Logs.
2. Select the corresponding log level from the Log level drop-down list.
The number of logs in this level is displayed to the right of the drop-down list, and all logs are
displayed in the output box.
3. Select the operation mode.
Clear: Clear all logs in the CPE.
Export: Export all logs in the CPE to a file in the computer.
9.6 System Notification
This page enables you to configure the notification methods of key device status changes.
1. Choose System > System Notification.
2. Set Frequency from the drop-down list.
Set Web popup receiving IP. If Web popup receiving IP is left blank, notifications are
randomly sent to connected clients.