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9.4 Diagnosis
If the CPE is not functioning correctly, you can use the diagnosis tools on the Diagnosis page
to preliminarily identify the problem so that actions can be taken to solve it.
9.4.1 Ping
If the CPE fails to access the Internet, run the ping command to preliminarily identify the
problem. To do so:
1. Choose System > Diagnosis.
2. In the Method area, select Ping.
3. Enter the domain name in the Target IP or domain field, for example, www.google.com.
4. Set Packet size and Timeout.
5. Set Do not fragment to Enable.
6. Click Ping.
Wait until the ping command is executed. The execution results are displayed in the Results
9.4.2 Traceroute
If the CPE fails to access the Internet, run the Traceroute command to preliminarily identify
the problem. To do so:
1. Choose System > Diagnosis.
2. In the Method area, select Traceroute.
3. Enter the domain name in the Target IP or domain field.
For example, www.google.com.
4. Set Maximum hops and Timeout.
5. Click Traceroute.
Wait until the traceroute command is executed. The execution results are displayed in the
Results box.
9.4.3 System Check
If the CPE malfunctions, you can use the System Check tool to preliminarily identify the
problem. To do so:
1. Choose System > Diagnosis.