Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
1. Choose Home > Update.
2. Click Check to detect the latest version.
After updates are found, the CPE retains the server address and informs you if any
subsequent updates are found on the server.
Updates are found.
Go to step 3.
Updates are not found.
The upgrade ends.
3. Click Update to download the updates.
After downloading the updates, the CPE automatically upgrades and restarts.
A message is displayed, indicating that the upgrade is complete. Then, the login dialog box is
During an upgrade, do not disconnect the power supply or operate the CPE.
2.4.3 Updating Using CWMP
To update the CPE software using the CPE WAN Management Protocol (CWMP), perform
the following steps:
1. Choose Home > Update.
2. Click CWMP Update.