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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
2. Click Next to view and set Internet connection parameters.
3. Click Next to view and set Wi-Fi-related parameters, including Wi-Fi, Country/Region,
Mode, Channel, SSID, and Hide SSID broadcast.
4. Click Next to view and set Wi-Fi security-related parameters, such as Security.
The displayed parameters vary depending on the Security setting. For example, if Security is
set to WPA-PSK&WPA2-PSK, then WPA-PSK and WPA encryption are displayed and
must be set.
5. Click Next to view the settings you just configured.
6. Click Submit for the settings to take effect.
2.4 Update
This function enables you to upgrade the software version of the CPE to the latest version. It
is recommended that you update the software because in the new version, certain bugs have
been fixed and the system stability is usually improved.
2.4.1 Updating on Local
To perform a local upgrade successfully, connect the CPE to your computer through Wi-Fi or
a network cable, save the upgrade file on the computer, and make sure the CPE is not
connected to anything other than a power adapter and the computer.
To perform a local upgrade, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Home > Update.
2. In the Local Update area, click Browse.
In the displayed dialog box, select the target software version file.
3. Click Open.
The dialog box closes. The save path and name of the target software version file are
displayed in the Update file field.
4. Click Update.
During an upgrade, do not power off the CPE or disconnect it from the computer.
5. Click OK.
The software upgrade starts. After the upgrade, the CPE automatically restarts and runs the
new software version.
2.4.2 Updating Online
To perform an online upgrade successfully, make sure the CPE is connected to the Internet.
To perform an online upgrade, perform the following steps: