Code Short message Suggested action
27:03 Restart the printer. If problem persists, call
HP support.
An error has been detected during printhead detection. Reseat
all the printheads; see
Remove a printhead on page 92 and Insert
a printhead on page 94 and Restart on page 16. If the problem
persists, please contact your customer service representative.
38.1:01 Stacker communication error
Check connections
No communications have been received from the stacker. Check
that the stacker is switched on and connected to the printer. If
necessary, you can remove the stacker completely and continue
printing without it (if printing has not started yet) or cancel a half-
printed job and restart. If you cancel a half-printed job, the paper
will be cut, and ejected when the stacker is restarted.
38.2:01 Status mismatch. Reset stacker. The stacker has been switched off and on in the middle of a print
job. The job is automatically canceled, the paper is cut and
39:01 Input rollers 1 and 2 need cleaning. Press
Enter to quit, or Cancel to continue.
See Clean the input rollers on page 112.
61:01 Wrong file format. The printer cannot
process the job.
The file format is wrong and the printer cannot process the job.
Check the graphic language setting of your printer (see
the graphic language setting on page 65). If you are sending
PostScript from Mac OS over a USB connection, select ASCII
encoding in both the driver and the application. Check for the
latest firmware and driver releases.
61:04.1 Update system software (firmware) Even if you have the latest version installed on your printer, you
are recommended to repeat the update process to clear this
error. See
Update my printer's firmware on page 116.
61:08.1 File with password cannot be printed. Resend this file without password protection.
62:04 Restart the printer. If problem persists, call
HP support.
An error has been detected with the parallel port. See Restart
on page 16 If the problem persists, check for the latest firmware
63:04 Restart the printer. If problem persists, call
HP support.
An error has been detected with a LAN port. See Restart
on page 16 If the problem persists, check for the latest firmware
64:04 Restart the printer. If problem persists, call
HP support.
An error has been detected with the USB port. See Restart
on page 16 If the problem persists, check for the latest firmware
66:08 Please resubmit the job as the paper type
has changed
The paper type has changed since the job was submitter. The
job cannot be printed on the paper that is loaded; please resubmit
the job or change the paper.
71:03 Restart the printer. If problem persists, call
HP support.
Out of memory failure. You are recommended to remove any
unnecessary files from the hard disk using the Embedded Web
Server. See
Restart on page 16.
76:03 Restart the printer. If problem persists, call
HP support.
The hard disk is full. If the problem persists, you are
recommended to remove any unnecessary files from the hard
disk, using the Web server. See
Restart on page 16.
77:04 Restart the printer. If problem persists, call
HP support.
The Embedded Web Server does not seem to be working.
Restart on page 16 If the problem persists, check for the
latest firmware release.
79:04 Generic firmware error. Turn off the printer and disconnect the power cord. Reconnect
the power cord and switch on the printer. If the problem persists,
check for the latest firmware release.
81:01 Possible paper jam A paper jam has been detected within the printer. See A paper
jam (paper stuck in the printer) [4020] on page 131 or A paper
jam (paper stuck in the printer) [4520] on page 133.
ENWW A front panel message 177
Other problems