Responding to blocked traffic messages
Security messages display a message box when applications are blocked:
Blocked application message An application that has been launched from your computer has
been blocked in accordance with rules set by your system
administrator. For example, you may see the following text:
Application Internet Explorer has been
blocked, file name is IEXPLORE.EXE.
These messages indicate that your agent has blocked traffic
that you have specified as not trusted. If the agent is operating
under Block All mode, these messages appear quite often. If
you are operating in Allow All mode, these messages do not
If you or the system administrator configures the agent to display a message when either the agent
blocks the endpoint from accessing an application or when an attack is launched, a message appears
above the notification area.
To respond to security messages
In the message box, click Do not show this window again.
Responding to permission status messages
If you or your system administrator have set an applications’ permission status to Ask or Block, a
message appears when an incoming application accesses your endpoint.
Table 4-1 Application permission status messages on page 14 displays how you can respond to an
application or permission status message.
Table 4-1 Application permission status messages
If you check Remember my answer
If you click Your agent
Yes Yes Allows the application and won’t ask
No Yes Allows the application and ask you every
Yes No Blocks the application and ask you every
No No Blocks the application and won’t ask you
You can change an application’s permission status from the Applications List.
14 Chapter 4 Responding to messages and warnings