About the notification area icon
RED The agent has blocked traffic.
GREEN Traffic flows uninterrupted by the agent.
GRAY No traffic flows in that direction. A green dot means that the agent is connected to the Symantec Policy
About responding to the flashing icon
If you see a flashing icon, the endpoint may be responding to an attempted attack. When you rest your
mouse over the flashing icon, a tool tip appears telling you that you are under an attack.
To make the icon stop flashing, double-click the icon. The Security log opens, displaying a new log entry.
The icon stops flashing after one minute.
Displaying the shortcut menu
The agent has a notification area icon that is located in the lower-right corner of your desktop. Right-
click this icon to show frequently used commands.
Table 3-2 Notification area icon shortcut menu on page 8 displays the following notification area icon
shortcut menu and commands for the Server Control mode and Client Control mode. Commands on
the shortcut menu for the Power User mode vary depending on what options are set on the server.
Table 3-2 Notification area icon shortcut menu
Menu command Description Server Control mode Client Control mode
Symantec Protection Agent Opens the agent’s main
Normal Allows network traffic to flow
as normal
Block All Blocks all network traffic X
Applications pens the Applications list X X
Logs Opens the agent logs X X
Options Opens the Options dialog box,
where you can configure the
settings for the agent
Advanced Rules Opens the Advanced Rules
dialog box, where you can
write specific rules for
allowing or blocking network
Help Topics Opens the online Help system X X
8 Chapter 3 Agent basics