Dell OptiPlex GXi Systems Service Manual
CPU Speed Indicates processor speed at which system
boots — the processor’s rated speed or a
slower compatibility speed.
Num Lock Determines whether keyboard’s Num Lock
mode is activated.
Keyboard Errors Enables or disables reporting of keyboard
errors during POST.
System Password Displays current status of system’s password
security feature. Also used to assign and verify
a new password.
Password Status Provides an extra measure of system security
by letting you set the system password to
Locked or Unlocked.
Boot Sequence Determines whether system boots from dis-
kette (if present) or hard-disk drive.
Setup Password Restricts access to System Setup program.
Auto Power On Allows you to set the day and time you want
the system to power on automatically. The
time uses the 24-hour format.
With the
Power Management category
enabled, DPMS monitors and most EIDE
drives automatically switch into low-power
mode during periods of system inactivity.
CAUTION: Before enabling this feature,
check the monitor documentation to make
sure the system has a DPMS-compliant
monitor. Otherwise, there is a risk of dam-
aging the monitor.
NOTE: Not all EIDE hard-disk drives support
this feature. Enabling this feature for drives
that do not support it may cause the EIDE
drive to become inoperable until the system is
restarted and the Power Management category
is disabled.
Sound Enables (On) or disables (Off) the integrated
sound controller.
NIC (TX) Enables (On) or disables (Off) the NIC.
Mouse Enables or disables the built-in PS/2-
compatible mouse port.
Table A-1. System Setup Categories
Category Function