Country (City)
International Access Code
Country Code
City Code
Department Name or Service Area,
Website and E-mail Address
Area Codes,
Local Numbers, and
Toll Free Numbers
Technical Support toll free: 0080 60 1255
International Access Code: 002 Technical Support (Servers) toll free: 0080 60 1256
Country Code: 886
Transaction Sales
toll free: 0080 651 228
or 0800 33 556
Corporate Sales toll free: 0080 651 227
or 0800 33 555
Thailand Technical Support
toll free: 0880 060 07
International Access Code: 001
Customer Support (Penang, Malaysia)
604 633 4949
Country Code: 66 Sales toll free: 0880 060 09
U.K. (Bracknell)
Technical Support (Corporate/Preferred
0870 908 0500
International Access Code: 010
Accounts/PAD [1000+ employees])
Country Code: 44
Technical Support (Direct/PAD and Ceneral) 0870 908 0800
City Code: 1344
Clobal Accounts Customer Care 01344 723186
Corporate Customer Care 01344 723185
Preferred Accounts (500-5000 employees)
Customer Care
01344 723196
Central Covernment Customer Care
01344 723193
Local Covernment Customer Care
01344 723194
Home/Small Business Sales 0870 907 4000
Corporate/Public Sector Sales
Website: http://support.euro.dell.com
E-mail: dell direct
01344 860456
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