iDP-460 User’s Manual
[Sample Program] When setting the line height to n = 20(1/3 inch)
ESC a 20 ; → LPRINT CHR$(&H1B)+”a20;”;
ESC b (n) ; ALL
[Name] Eject Paper by n-lines
[Code] <1B>H<62H>(n)<3B>H
[Domain] 1 ≤ (n) ≤ 255 (<30>H ≤ n ≤ <39>H)
[Function] This command ejects the paper by n-lines at the specified line height.
[Caution] Be sure to add ";"(<3B>H) to the end of the parameter. If 0 or 256 or more is
specified for the parameter, this command will be ignored.
[See Also] ESC a
[Program Example] When ejecting the paper by 5 lines
ESC b 5 ; → LPRINT CHR$(&H1B)+”b5;”;
[Name] Initialize
[Code] <1B>H<63>H
[Function] This command clears all the attributes, settings, and modes to initialize(turns
on/off the power software-wise).
[Caution] The data in the input buffer is not cleared.
[See Also] ESC a