iDP-460 User’s Manual
[See Also] 11.2 International Character Codes List
[Sample Program] When setting the character sets to Japan
ESC h 8 ; → LPRINT CHR$(&H1B)+”h8;”;
ESC I P-250, P-900R
[Name] Identify Printer
[Code] <1B>H<69>H
[Function] This command sends a printer identification code by one byte. It sends
"A"(<41>H) in the native mode and "H"<48>H) in the P-900R mode.
[Caution] This command is invalid in the parallel mode, and P-200 mode.
ESC x P-200, P-250
[Name] Select P-900R Mode
[Code] <1B>H<78>H
[Function] Any command or function following this command works as the P-900R mode.
[Caution] This command can be canceled by the FS, GS, or ESC c command.
[See Also] FS, GS, ESC c