Emergency Maintenance Guide
Emergency call
y Send one person to report the
traffic accident to police, and, call
the ambulance at the same time.
Care for the injured
y Do not move any serious injured
unless they are in dangerous (e.g.
the automobile catches fire).
y Treat the unconscious injured
firstly. And if the injured can talk
or breathe, we may treat them
y Ask the quantity of passengers in
the automobile.
y Confirm the injured who are
unconscious or difficult to
If the injured stop
y Remove the artificial teeth,
chewing gum and anything that
may disturb the breathing from
the injured.
y Lift up the jaw of the injured and
tilt his/her head backwards to
make breath smoothly.
y If the injured cannot breaths yet,
hold his nose and implement the
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
with the normal breath frequency.
Blow abundant air to swell the
chest of the injured and then
move away your mouth to let the
chest down. Repeat this action
until the injured starts to breathe.
y For children and infants, let your
lip around their nose and mouth
and blow softly.
y Do not give up. Never hold the
attitude that the injured is dead.
Continue to implement the
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
until the ambulance arrives.
y Press the wound. For example,
press the wound with your thumb
to stop the serious bleeding. Do
not waste time to dress the wound,
which can be done later.
DO NOT move the injured
y Do not move the injured unless it
is absolutely necessary. Otherwise,
you may make the wound worse.
y If it is necessary to move the