Emergency Maintenance Guide
Under the crowded road and disordered
traffic conditions, the ratio of traffic
accident occurrence is considerably
high. However, the quantity of serious
injured has decreased greatly due to the
use of seat belt during driving. No
matter how care you are, it is always
possible to catch a traffic accident. The
inconvenience resulted in numerous
accidents is even mush worse than the
injured. In this case, only few people
know how to do. This is the reason why
we shall compile this chapter. We hope
you are not required to read this
chapter at all times. But, if required,
you will find it is extremely useful.
Please remember that it is now that you
read this manual, other than the
moment when an accident happens. For
the sake of safety, why not take some
times to read it carefully so as to save
your precious rescue time while you
catch a traffic accident.
If your Chery vehicle is damaged
accidentally and you want to have it
repaired as soon as possible, the best
choice is to get to the Chery’s special
service station.
Make the best of your
the Chery’s special
service station
If your Chery vehicle is damaged due
to a traffic accident and required to be
repaired, the best is to give it to the
Chery’s special service station. This is
because there are many convincing
reasons, and, here, some reasons are
listed below:
Professional Knowledge
Who can know the Chery automobile
more than the Chery’s special service
station? There are the comprehensive
and professional maintenance
techniques and knowledge in the
Chery’s special service station, which
are able to ensure the maintenance
process conforms to the Chery’s
standards. The Chery’s special service
station combines the service and the
maintenance process to ensure the body
maintenance can get the best protective
effect, and the service station can
implement the Chery’s warranty work
(if this item is suitable for your