Emission Control Maintenance
The maintenance schedule as shown is required
for the proper functioning of the emission control
systems for optimum vehicle performance and
fuel economy.
Basic Engine
Engine oil As specified by CBS
Engine oil filter As specified by CBS
Fuel System
Air filter (M3 only) Every 2nd Engine Oil
Air filter (M5 and M6) Every 3rd Engine Oil
Ignition System
Spark plugs 37,000 miles
Emission Control
Oxygen sensor 120,000 miles
Evidence of Maintenance Work
This BMW Service and Warranty Information
Booklet should be presented to your BMW
center when maintenance is required. Make sure
that confirmation of maintenance work is always
entered in this Service and Warranty Information
Booklet. You may need this for any warranty
claims that become necessary, and later on as
evidence that your car has been given the correct
and regular maintenance that justifies its resale
or trade-in value.