System-wide Call Appearance (SWCA) Features Card
Other features that affect how you use SWCA
Timed-out SWCA calls
If a call remains parked and unanswered on a SWCA key for a preset period of time (the Call Park
timeout timer), the call unparks from the SWCA key and rings again at the telephone at which it
was last parked.
Outbound calls
You can also park out-dialed calls on a SWCA key. If your system is set up to automatically assign
calls to a SWCA key, the call is assigned to a key as soon as it is answered. Otherwise, during your
call, you can press an available SWCA key or HOLD to park the call on a SWCA key. The call
becomes available to other users in the group and it frees up your intercom or line.
Auto-Hold FEATURE 73
Your telephone must be set to have Full Auto-Hold so that a call automatically gets placed on
HOLD if you answer a second call. If your telephone does not have Auto Hold on, use
73 to change the setting. Note that to turn Full Autohold off, enter FEATURE 73 again.
Transferring calls FEATURE 70
If you transfer a call to a telephone that does not have the same SWCA keys assigned, the call
disappears from the SWCA key on your telephone when the call transfers. If the call needs to be
reassigned to your group, the person who answered the call enters a SWCA control code that is
assigned to your group. Doing so returns the call to a SWCA designation at your telephone.
Conference calls FEATURE 3
You cannot park a conference call on a SWCA key.
You cannot conference a call that is parked on a SWCA key.
To conference a call parked on a SWCA key:
1 Press the SWCA key to unpark the call.
2 Press Hold.
3 Press ≤‹ to create the conference.