Proposal Number PSDF #P09-0004
It is the intent of these specifications to describe an Aerial Platform Quint to be used in the Town of Surfside
Beach, South Carolina.
It is the intent of these specifications to describe the furnishing and delivery of an Aerial Platform/Quint to
the Town of Surfside Beach, SC. With a view to obtaining the best results and the most acceptable fire
apparatus for service in the Surfside Beach Fire Department, these specifications cover only the general
requirements as to the type of construction and test to which the vehicle must conform, together with certain
details as to finish, equipment, and appliances with which the successful vendor must conform. Details of
construction and materials where not otherwise specified are left to the discretion of the contractor, who shall
be solely responsible for the design and construction of all non-specified features. The completed vehicle
shall conform to the requirements of the National Fire Protection Association Pamphlet No. 1901, latest
edition, for Motor Fire Apparatus, and shall exceed 1901 where specified herein for all applicable equipment
When evaluating proposals, the importance of reduced life cycle costs and public safety associated with fire
fighting apparatus shall be a major consideration and all evaluations shall exclude vehicles of a type that
deviate from these specifications.
Apparatus with a design that utilize a commercial bus or truck chassis with the installation of a custom cab
will not be accepted.
Proposals shall only be considered from manufacturers that have an established reputation in the field of fire
apparatus construction and have been in continuous business for a minimum of thirty-five (35) years. A
written chronological history of the bidder shall be included in the proposal response package.
Each bidder shall state the location of the factory where the chassis and body shall be built. They shall also
state the location of the factory authorized dealer/service facility that is in a position to render prompt repair
service and to furnish replacement parts for said completed apparatus.
The workmanship must be of the highest quality in its respective field. Special consideration shall be given
to the following points:
1) Accessibility of the various components which require periodic maintenance or lube checks.
2) Ease of vehicle operation.
3) Visibility of the driver.
4) Features supplied that are beneficial to the intended operation of the completed apparatus.
Construction must be rugged and design must be certified to carry the loads as specified and to meet the road
requirements and speed conditions as set forth under "Performance Test and Requirements".
Welding shall not be employed in the assembly of the completed vehicle in a manner that shall prevent the
removal of a major component part for service and/or repair.
These specifications have not been established to preclude any vendors. However, the purchaser does not
intend to make a decision solely based upon lowest price as determined by the US Supreme Court ruling