drive is the drive attached to the connector labeled drive 1 on the card.
If you have drives connected to more than one controller card, the startup drive is the drive
connected to the card in the highest-numbered slot. If you want, you can change the startup
slot by using the Control Panel Program.
The Training Disk
The training disk is designed to give you first-hand experience using the computer for writing,
calculating, record keeping, and drawing. The programs you'll use are simulations of
application programs; you won't be able to use them to write your own letters, create budgets,
or set up inventories, but they'll give you an idea of the sorts of things you can do with your
computer. And you'll get to experiment in a controlled environment where a mistake isn't a
problem just another learning opportunity.
Besides learning about all the different things you can do with your computer, you'll learn
some general concepts that stay the same no matter what you're working on:
How to control an application by using the mouse or the keyboard
How your work is saved temporarily in the memory of the computer
How your work is saved permanently on disks
How to retrieve work you've saved on a disk
How to edit your work
And, for the adventurous, there's an introduction to programming. You'll get a chance to see
what goes into writing the instructions that control the behavior of the computer how to give
the computer its personality as a writing machine, an adding machine, a game machine, and so
Important In order to use the Apple IIgs training disk, you need a monitor and at least one
3.5-inch disk drive connected to your Apple IIgs. If you are using a regular television set as
a display device or if your only disk drive is a 5.25-inch drive, you won't be able to use the
training disk, but you can get the information from Chapters 2 and 3.
You can use a television set as a display device with many game and educational applications,
but the picture you get with a regular TV set isn't clear enough for applications that display
80 characters per line. Some TV sets are designed to work as monitors. If you have a
combination TV/monitor, you will be able to use the training disk.
Starting up the training disk
Find the disk labeled Your Tour of the Apple IIgs and follow these instructions to start it up.
Put the disk into your startup drive.
Turn on your monitor.
Reach around the left side of the computer and find the power switch on the left side of the
back panel. Turn it on.
If everything is plugged in and turned on, in a few seconds you should see the opening display
of the training disk.
Put the book aside now and enjoy the hands-on introduction to your Apple IIgs. Anything you
need to know to use the disk will be explained right on the screen.
Problems starting up?