word processing application: A type of application designed to make writing and editing easier
and faster.
word wraparound: In some word processing applications, the automatic jump to the start of the
next line (bringing the word you're typing with it) when the cursor reaches the right margin,
without your pressing Return.
write: To record information on a disk.
write-enable notch: A small, square cutout in the upper-right corner of a 5.25-inch disk or the
small, square hole in the upper-right corner of a 3.5-inch disk that indicates whether or not
information can be recorded on the disk.
write-protect: To prevent changes to the contents of a disk by covering the write-enable notch
on a 5.25-inch disk or by sliding the small, plastic tab to uncover the square hole on a
3.5-inch disk. Compare copy-protect.
write-protect tab: A piece of tape that you can use to cover the write-enable notch on a
5.25-inch disk so information can't be recorded on it. The write-protect tab on a 3.5-inch disk
is a small piece of plastic that slides to cover or uncover a square hole in the upper-right
side of the disk.
XOFF: An ASCII character that tells the transmitting device to halt transmission.
XON: An ASCII character that tells the transmitting device to resume transmission.
Z80 card: A circuit board containing a Z80 microprocessor. An Apple IIgs equipped with a Z80
card can run programs based on the popular CP/M operating system.