Set Automatically
• The monitor settings will be set automatically so that the SuperSign server can search it.
Server IP
• This is a menu where you can set an IP address for the SuperSign server.
Server Status
• Server Status displays the status of the connection between your monitor and the SuperSign server.
• Not Connected - indicates that your monitor is not connected to the SuperSign server.
• Waiting for Approval - i ndicates that your monitor is connected to the SuperSign server but not yet approved.
• Rejected - indicates that your monitor is connected to the SuperSign server but has been rejected.
• Connected - indicates that your monitor is connected to the SuperSign server and has been approved.
Port Number
• Sets the SuperSign server's port. (Supported on SuperSign Premium 1.0 or later)
Secured Connection
• You can choose whether to use security protocols when connecting to the SuperSign server. (Supported on
SuperSign Premium 1.0 or later)