438 Operator’s Manual - 880052-0100 13-23
Alphanumeric - A term used to identify characters consisting of letters, numbers, and other
symbols (such as punctuation marks and mathematical symbols).
Bar code - Alphanumeric characters that are represented using a system of printed lines
and can be read by a computer.
Black-line - A registration mark, typically a black line on the underside of certain media
used to identify the starting position of a label.
Blow-hole - A registration mark, typically a notched or cutout in certain media used to
identify the starting position of a label.
Continuous media - Media that contains no gap and continues as one piece of media.
CTS (Clear to Send) - A status signal from the printer to the host PC indicating when it is
OK to send data to the printer. This signal is used in conjunction with RTS (Ready To
Send). The PC (DTE) will only transmit to the printer (DCE) when it sees CTS up.
CTS leaves the printer on pin #8 of the RS-232 connector.
Cutter - An optional device, mounted on the printer, which is used to cut media into custom
sized labels after printing
DCD (Data Carrier Detect) - A status signal from the printer to the host PC that tells the PC
(DTE) that the printer is powered up. This signal is +5Vdc when the printer is turned ON.
DCD leaves the printer on pin #1 of the RS-232 connector.
DCE (Data-Circuit-terminating Equipment - The modem or printer end of an RS-232
serial communication link. Modem serial ports and other peripherals are typically configured
as DCE.
Die-cut media - Media that is cut using a die to form individual labels that have a start and
stop point. Typically the excess material surrounding the label is removed from the backing
Direct thermal - Method of printing with a special heat-sensitive media that directly contacts
heat elements of a thermal print head. (See Thermal print head)
DPI (Dots Per Inch) - A unit of measure term used to identify the print resolution capability.
Drive roller - Platen roller that is located below the print head that is used to drive media
through the printer.
DSR (Data Set Ready) - A status signal from the printer (DCE) to the host PC (DTE) telling
the PC that the printer is powered up. Used in conjunction with DTR. Microcom
Corporation does not use this signal.
DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) - The terminal or computer end of an RS-232 serial
communication link. Serial ports on computers are typically configured as DTE.