This drive, like all electronic equipment, is static sensitive.
• Please take the proper precautions when handling the drive, for example by touching the PC chassis before
touching the drive.
• Avoid touching the IDE connector pins as well as the audio-connector pins and the jumper pins.
• Keep the drive in its conductive wrapping until you are ready to install the drive in your computer.
Safety Precautions
• Europe: This drive shall be installed only with an EN60950 (IEC950) approved Power supply.
• USA/Canada: This drive is for use only with IBM compatible UL listed Personal Computers or Macintosh UL listed
workstations weighing less than 18 kg.
Installing the drive
1 Turn off your computer, monitor and other peripherals.
To disconnect your configuration completely from the mains, the mains plug has to be disconnected.
2 Remove the cover from your computer. Please consult the manuals that came with your computer for
specific details.
3 In order to mount the drive inside your PC (or other type of computer), locate a free 5.25" bay and follow the
instructions, as provided with your computer systems, for installing the drive.
Additional and updated
information can be found
directly on our fully
interactive website
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