This data sheet is governed by HP’s current standard sales terms or, if applicable, the
Customer’s purchase agreement with HP.
The hardware support coverage window specifies the time during which hardware support services are delivered onsite or remotely. Calls received
outside this coverage window will be logged the next day for which the Customer has a coverage window.
The following coverage window options are available for eligible products:
Standard business hours, standard business days (9x5): Service is available 9 hours per day between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. local time, Monday
through Friday excluding HP holidays.
24x7: Service is available 24 hours per day, Monday through Sunday including HP holidays.
All coverage windows are subject to local availability. Contact a local HP sales office for detailed information on service availability.
Choice of different hardware
support coverage windows
For incidents with covered hardware that cannot be resolved remotely, HP will use commercially reasonable efforts to respond onsite within the
specified onsite response time.
Onsite response time specifies the period of time that begins when the initial call has been received and acknowledged by HP, as described in the
‘General provisions/Other exclusions’ section. The onsite response time ends when the HP authorized representative arrives at the Customer's site, or
when the reported event is closed with explanation that HP has determined it does not currently require an onsite intervention.
Response times are measured during the coverage window only and may be carried over to the next day for which there exists a coverage window.
The following onsite response times are available for this service:
Next-day onsite response: An HP authorized representative will arrive at the Customer's site during the coverage window to begin hardware
maintenance service the next coverage day after the call has been received and acknowledged by HP. Calls received outside the coverage window
will be acknowledged the next coverage day and serviced within the following coverage day.
4-hour onsite response: An HP authorized representative will arrive at the Customer's site during the coverage window to begin hardware
maintenance service within 4 hours after the call has been received and acknowledged by HP.
All response times are subject to local availability. Contact a local HP sales office for detailed information on service availability.
Onsite response time for
hardware support
A 6-hour call-to-repair time commitment may be selected for eligible products in lieu of an onsite response time.
For critical incidents (severity 1 or 2) with covered hardware that cannot be resolved remotely, HP will use commercially reasonable efforts to return
the covered hardware to operating condition within 6 hours after the call has been received and acknowledged by HP.
For noncritical incidents (severity 3 or 4) or at the Customer’s request, HP will work with the Customer to schedule the remedial action at an
agreed-upon time , and the call-to-repair time commitment will then start at that time.
Incident severity levels are defined in the ‘General provisions/Other exclusions’ section.
Call-to-repair time refers to the period of time that begins when the initial call has been received and acknowledged by HP, as specified in the ‘General
provisions/Other exclusions’ section. Call-to-repair time ends with HP's determination that the hardware is repaired or when the reported event is
closed with the explanation that HP has determined it does not currently require onsite intervention. Call-to-repair times are measured during the
coverage window only and may be carried over to the next day for which there exists a coverage window.
All call-to-repair times are subject to local availability. Contact a local HP sales office for more information on service availability.
Repair is considered complete upon HP verification that the hardware malfunction has been corrected or that the hardware has been replaced.
Verification by HP may be accomplished by the completion of a power-on self-test, standalone diagnostic, or visual verification of proper operation.
At its sole discretion, HP will determine the level of testing necessary to verify that the hardware is repaired. At its sole discretion, HP may temporarily
or permanently replace the product in order to meet the repair time commitment. Replacement products are new or functionally equivalent to new in
performance. Replaced products become the property of HP.
It will take 30 days from the time this service is purchased to set up and perform the audits and processes that must be completed before the
hardware call-to-repair time commitment can be put in effect. During this initial 30-day period and for up to five (5) additional business days after the
audit is completed, HP will provide a 4-hour onsite response time service level.
6-hour call-to-repair time
commitment for hardware
To support HP call-to-repair time commitments, an inventory of critical replacement parts is maintained for call-to-repair Customers. This inventory
is stored at an HP designated facility. These parts are managed to allow for increased inventory availability and are accessible to HP authorized
representatives responding to eligible support requests.
Enhanced parts inventory
management (included with
call-to-repair time
Once an HP authorized representative arrives at the Customer's site, the representative will continue to deliver the service, either onsite or remotely,
at the discretion of HP, until the products are repaired. Work may be temporarily suspended if additional parts or resources are required, but work will
resume when they become available.
Repair is considered complete upon HP verification that the hardware malfunction has been corrected or that the hardware has been replaced.
Work to completion
HP has established formal escalation procedures to facilitate the resolution of complex hardware problems. Local HP management coordinates
problem escalation, enlisting the skills of appropriate HP resources and/or selected third parties to assist with problem solving.
Escalation management
The HP electronic remote support solution provides robust troubleshooting and repair capabilities. It can include remote system access solutions and
may offer a convenient central point of administration and an enterprise view of open incidents and history. An HP support specialist will only use the
remote system access with the Customer's authorization. The remote system access may enable the HP support specialist to provide more efficient
troubleshooting and faster problem resolution.
HP electronic remote support
As part of this service, HP provides access to certain commercially available electronic and Web-based tools. The Customer has access to:Access to electronic support
information and services