Volkswagen TeleCom communications
Because we do not want you to have to worry about
mobile phone charges, we developed our own no-
nonsense, inexpensive mobile phone package.
Ask your local Volkswagen TeleCom agent about the
attractive V10 mobile package and the many extra
benefits you will enjoy with aVolkswagen TeleCom
mobile phone card.With aVolkswagen hands free set
and the Volkswagen TeleCom mobile phone card you
will always be accessible wherever you go. We also
offerarange of different mobile phones. Formore
information, visit www.volkswagen-telecom.de.
Forvehicles without factory-ttedtelephone kits
Bluetooth hands free system
This user-friendly hands free system with 2.8
TFT colour
touchscreen displayrepresents the state-of-the-art and is
especially easy to use while driving. The user-independent
DialogPlus voice activation recognises words very quickly
and accurately.Tomakeoperation even easier,italso in-
corporates spoken help features. The text-to-speechfunc-
tion reads SMSs clearly and comprehensibly (dependent
on mobile phone), giving you the maximum information
without you having to look at its screen. Youcan playMP3s
from your mobile phone through the vehicle’s speakers
via your phone’s audio stereo streaming (A2DP) and the
radio’s AUX-IN. Youwill find the necessary adapter cables
in the enclosed price list.
Item no. 000 051 433 C