=mobile-specic index. Since the range of mobile adaptersetsisconstantly growing, we requestthat youask your authorised Volkswagen agent or
viewthe information at our website: www.volkswagen-zubehoer.de.
Whether your vehicle came fitted with amobile phone kit or not, you can still choose the system that best suits
your needs.
Forvehicles factory-ttedwith telephone kits
Volkswagen Genuine mobile adapterset
If your vehicle came factory-fitted with atelephone kit,
then the mobile adapter set with active mounting will be
its perfect companion. Its special feature: it includes two
additional buttons that connect you directly to Volkswagen
Service and Breakdown. Youwill find further information in
the enclosed price list and at www.volkswagen-zubehoer.de.
Item no. 3C0 051 435 X
Volkswagen Genuine Bluetooth pairing adapter
The Bluetooth pairing adapter enables you to connect a
Bluetooth mobile phone to afactory-fitted telephone kit.
The adapter inserts intothe telephone kit’s mounting, just
likeamobile adapter set. The pairing adapter connects
using your mobile phone’s Bluetooth hands free profile.
Following aone-offpairing process between the mobile
phone and the telephone kit, the mobile phone canremain
in your bag or pocketwhile driving.
Item no. 3C0 051 435 PA