Web Smart Switch
Debug - to record events which can be helpful for engineering
debugging of the switch’s function. This field is not recommended
to track as it creates many messages not helpful to typical users.
Notice- to record the error which need to be noticed.
Click Apply to save your changes to the switch.
It displays the status of local log settings.
It displays the target you’ve choosed.
It displays the severity status.
Click enable to enable this function.
Click disable to disable this function. Remote Log
Click Diagnostics > Log Setting > Remote Log to view the screen as shown next.
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Server Index
Select the index of remote log server. System supports 4 remote log
servers. When a server is set and enabled, log messages will send to this
Server IP
The IP address of remote log server.
Server Port
Enter a number between 1 and 65535 as the server port.
Select the severity level(s) of the log entries you want to display. The
possible severity levels are: