Instructions for Use V 1.9 RevD – 05/2013
3.3.2 Print specifications
3. Instrument Components and Specifications
Fig. 9
Print resolution
The print head of the instrument has a preset
resolution of 360 dpi in both directions (vertical
and horizontal).
Each printed line has a maximum height of
128 dots.
This corresponds to a value of 9.03 mm.
In horizontal direction, the printable surface is
limited only by the size of the object to be im-
printed (Fig. 8).
The above values must be taken into consider-
ation when defining the print area ("paper size")
in the application you are going to print from.
Print quality
Quality and resolution of the imprints depend on:
• thecassette material andthedyes used to
color the cassette material.
• thesurfacefinishofthecassetteimprintfield
The final resolution of the imprints is not deter-
mined only by the resolution of the print head.
If the cassette surface is not capable of 360 dpi
resolution, "running" ink will lead to poor printing
results. In such cases it is better to work at a
lower resolution.
The printer driver allows you to change the reso-
lution from 360 dpi to 180 dpi.
(For more information, refer to Chapter 5.4).
Printing area
The printing area parameters listed in the table
below are defined in the printer driver.
Fig. 8
Cassette type
There are two different cassette types, which
have a different angle, and therefore a different
printable area.
The angle (Fig. 9), measured from the bottom, can
be 35° or 45°.
This must be taken into account in the settings
for the printer driver (Chapter 5.4).
Width Height
Format Dots mm Dots mm
Cassette 35° 400 28,2 114 8,0
Cassette 45° 400 28,2 100 7,1