Part Features
05-Static Route Operation
z Introduction to static route
z Static route configuration
z Troubleshooting a static route
06-IP Address-IP Performance
z Configuring an IP address for a switch
z Configuring the TCP attributes for a switch
07-Voice VLAN Operation
Voice VLAN (applicable only to the S3100-EI series)
08-GVRP Operation GARP VLAN registration protocol (GVRP)
09-Port Basic Configuration
z Configuring port auto-negotiation speed
z Limiting traffic on individual ports
z Enabling flow control on a port
z Duplicating the configuration of a port to other ports
z Configuring loopback detection for Ethernet port(s)
z Enabling loopback test
z Configuring a port group
z Enabling the system to test connected cable
z Configuring the interval to perform statistical analysis on port traffic
z Disabling Up/Down log output on a port
z Configuring storm control on a port
z Setting the port state change delay
10-Link Aggregation Operation
z Link aggregation control protocol (LACP)
z Manual aggregation
z Static aggregation
11-Port Isolation Operation
Port isolation group
12-Port Security-Port Binding
z Configuring port security
z Configuring port binding (applicable only to the S3100-EI series)
13-DLDP Operation
Device link detection protocol (DLDP) (applicable only to the S3100-EI
14-MAC Address Table
Management Operation
z Manually configuring dynamic, static, and black hole MAC addresses
z Setting the MAC address aging timer
z Setting the maximum number of MAC addresses a port can learn
z Disabling MAC address learning for a VLAN (applicable only to the
S3100-EI series)
z Assigning MAC addresses for Ethernet ports
z Configuring MAC address replication (applicable only to the S3100-EI
15-MSTP Operation
z STP/RSTP/MSTP overview and basic configuration
z Performing mCheck operation
z Guard functions: BPDU Guard, Root Guard, Loop Guard, TC-BPDU
Attack Guard, and BPDU Drop (BPDU Drop is applicable only to the
S3100-EI series)
z Digest snooping
z Rapid transition
z VLAN-VPN tunnel (applicable only to the S3100-SI series)
z MSTP maintenance configuration
z Sending trap messages conforming to 802.1d standard