H3C S3100 Series Ethernet Switches Operation Manual-Release 22XX Series describes the software
features for the H3C S3100 Series Ethernet Switches and guides you through the software
configuration procedures. It also provides configuration examples to help you apply software features to
different network scenarios.
This preface includes:
z Audience
z Organization
z Software Version
z Conventions
z About the H3C S3100 Documentation Set
z Obtaining Documentation
z Documentation Feedback
This documentation is intended for:
z Network planners
z Field technical support and servicing engineers
z Network administrators working with the S3100 series
H3C S3100 Series Ethernet Switches Operation Manual-Release 22XX Series is organized as follows:
Part Features
01-CLI Operation
z Introduction to CLI
z CLI configuration
02-Login Operation
z Logging into a switch through the console port
z Logging in through Telnet/SSH
z Logging in using a modem
z Logging in through the web-based network management system
z Logging in through NMS
z User control
03-Configuration File
Management Operation
z Saving and deleting the configuration file
z Erasing the startup configuration file
z Specifying a configuration file for next startup
04-VLAN Operation
z VLAN overview
z Port-based VLAN
z MAC-based VLAN (applicable only to the S3100-EI series)
z Protocol-based VLAN (applicable only to the S3100-EI series)