Using PCoIP® Zero Clients with PCoIP Host Cards
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Figure 4: PCoIP host card Web interface showing bandwidth configuration screen
Note: In order to minimize the impact of new remote sessions on the network, the PCoIP protocol initiates
sessions at reduced bandwidth and increases bandwidth utilization over the first few seconds. For this reason,
you may briefly see low-bandwidth video artifacts in a new session until bandwidth utilization ramps up.
3.1.1 Device Bandwidth Target
When a PCoIP session experiences packet loss, the PCoIP protocol scales back bandwidth utilization rapidly
to the Device Bandwidth Target, and more slowly below this value. This provides a more even distribution of
bandwidth between users sharing a congested network.
The recommended Device Bandwidth Target is 0 (zero), which disables the target bandwidth feature. If you
discover that active PCoIP sessions on the same network are consistently receiving unequal shares of the
network’s bandwidth (e.g., some users are happy with their desktop experience while others are not), consider
the following configuration:
Device Bandwidth Target = 80% x (Network Bandwidth / Number of Users), provided this bandwidth is at least
1,000 kbps.
For example, if four similar users are sharing a 100 Mbps link, set the Device Bandwidth Target to
Device Bandwidth Target = (0.8 x 100,000 / 4) = 0.8 x 25,000 = 20,000 kbps
From this starting point, adjust Device Bandwidth Target, if necessary based on feedback from your users.