40 WLAN Statistics
In the Traffic Statistic page, click WLAN and the page shown in the following
figure appears. In this page, you can view the WLAN statistics such as
transmit/receive frames count, errors count and drops count.
5.3. Quick Start
The Quick Start page will guide you to configure the ADSL router to connect
to your ISP (Internet Service Provider). The following sections describe these
various configuration parameters. Whether you configure these parameters
or use the default ones, click NEXT to enable your Internet connection.
When subscribing to a broadband service, you should be aware of the
method by which you are connected to the Internet. Your physical WAN
device can be either PPP, ADSL or both. Technical information about your
Internet connection is provided by your Internet service provider (ISP). For
example, your ISP provides you with the IP address (a static or dynamic IP
address) for connecting to the Internet, and the protocol for communication
on the Internet.
In the navigation bar, click Quick Start. The page as shown in the following
figure appears.