Vigor2700 Series User’s Guide
enable this feature if you host a web server for your customers’
RIP Protocol Routing Information Protocol is abbreviated as RIP(RFC1058)
specifying how routers exchange routing tables information. Click
Enable RIP for activating this function.
Bridge Mode If you choose Bridged IP as the protocol, you can check this box to
invoke the function. The router will work as a bridge modem.
WAN IP Network
This group allows you to obtain an IP address automatically and
allows you type in IP address manually.
Obtain an IP address automatically – Click this button to obtain
the IP address automatically.
Router Name – Type in the router name provided by ISP.
Domain Name – Type in the domain name that you have assigned.
WAN IP Alias - If you have multiple public IP addresses and would
like to utilize them on the WAN interface, please use WAN IP Alias.
You can set up to 8 public IP addresses other than the current one
you are using.
Specify an IP address – Click this radio button to specify some data.
IP Address – Type in the private IP address.
Subnet Mask – Type in the subnet mask.
Gateway IP Address – Type in gateway IP address.
Default MAC Address Type in MAC address for the router. You can use Default MAC
Address or specify another MAC address for your necessity.
MAC Address – Type in the MAC address for the router manually.
DNS Server IP
Type in the primary IP address for the router. If necessary, type in
secondary IP address for necessity in the future.
After finishing all the settings here, please click OK to activate them.