Using the Configuration Menu
Home > Wireless > 802.11b+
click Apply to save the changes.
Keys 1-4-
input up to 4 WEP keys; select the one you wish to use.
when you select Key Type: ASCII, you can enter a Passphrase
for any or all of Keys 1-4
Key Type-
select HEX or ASCII
WEP Encryption-
select the level of encryption desired: 64, 128 or 256-bit
“default” is the default setting. All devices on the network must
share the same SSID. The SSID may be up to 32 characters
Wireless Settings-
choose 802.11a or 802.11b+. Here, 802.11b+ is selected.
select Enabled or Disabled. Disabled is the default setting.
(Note: If you enable encryption on the DI-754 make sure to also
enable encryption on all 802.11a wireless clients or wireless
connection will not be established.)
6 is the default channel for 802.11b+. All devices on the net-
work must share the same channel. (Note: The wireless adapt-
ers will automatically scan and match the wireless setting.)