DVI Matrix Switcher
9. Communication Protocol and Command
With this command system, the RS232 software is able to control and operate the CSW-DVI440A
Matrix with remotely.
Communication protocol:
Baud rate: 9600 Data bit: 8 Stop bit: 1 Parity bit: none
/*Type; Inquire the models information.
/%Lock; Lock the keyboard of the control panel on the Matrix.
/%Unlock; Unlock the keyboard of the control panel on the Matrix.
/^Version; Inquire the version of firmware
/:MessageOff; Turn off the feedback command from the com port. It will only show
the “switcher OK”.
/:MessageOn; Turn on the feedback command from the com port.
EDIDMOn. Enable auto EDID management.
EDIDMOff. Disable auto EDID management.
Undo. To cancel the previous operation.
Demo. Switch to the “demo” mode, 1->1, 2->2, 3->3 … and so on.
Operation Command
(PTN2.0 Command System)
[x1]All. Transfer signals from the input channel [x1] to all output channels
Transfer all input signals to the corresponding output channels
All$. Switch off all the output channels.
[x1]#. Transfer signals from the input channel [x1] to the output channel
[x1]$. Switch off the output channel [x1].
[x1] V[x2].
Transfer the video signals from the input channel [x1] to the output
channel [x2].
Transfer the video signals from the input channel [x1] to the output
channels [x2], [x3] and [x4].
[x1] A[x2]. Transfer the audio signals from the input channel [x1] to the output
channel [x2].
Transfer the audio signals from the input channel [x1] to the output
channels [x2], [x3] and [x4].
[x1] B[x2]. Transfer both the video and the audio signals from the input channel
[x1] to the output channel [x2].