Programme Progress
The progress of a running programme is
indicated by a series of symbols on the dis-
At the beginning of every programme
step, the corresponding symbol in the
symbol array starts glowing and all of
them go out together at the end of
the programme. The right most glow-
ing symbol in the array indicates the
current step being executed.
The 20a symbol lights up at the beginning
of the pre-wash cycle – when a pro-
gramme with pre-wash is selected.
>Main wash<
The 20b symbol lights up to indicate the
beginning of the main wash cycle.
The indicator lamp 20c lights up at the be-
ginning of the rinse cycle.
The 20d symbol lights up at the beginning
of the softener phase.
The20e symbol lights up at the beginning
of the final spin cycle – after the soft rinse
cycle or in the special programmes for
>Spin< and >Pump<.
If the machine isn't spinning, the pro-
gramme may be in rinse hold.
Or the automatic spin correction sys-
tem has been activated due to exces-
sive imbalance.
Interrupting the programme
A programme can be interrupted by press-
ing the >Start/Pause<16-button. The but-
tons starts blinking.
To continue the programme, press the 16
button again.
Door lock
The symbol 22 lights up when the loading
door is locked.
20b 20d20a 20c 20e