Special programmes
For specific applications you can select any
of the following special programmes:
• Rinse
Use this programme e.g., when you
want to soft rinse or starch separately.
• Spin
This programme spins with maximum
possible speed in the default setting.
You should reduce the speed for deli-
cate fabrics!
• Pump
This programme allows you to drain
water, e.g. when you put already
soaked clothes into the appliance and
want to wash them at a later time.
Additional functions
The buttons
Depending on the programme, cer-
tain additional functions 19a to 19e
can be added by pressing a button.
• Press the required buttons before
starting the programme.
• Meaningless combination of buttons
cannot be selected together. Example:
>Intensive<19b and >Quick wash<
A pre- wash can be activated with the 19a
A pre-wash is only worth while with
heavily soiled laundry.
Without prewash you save energy,
water, washing powder – and time.
The 19b button extends the washing time
in the main wash cycle. Washing powder
can work more effectively and you can
wash at lower temperatures – thereby sav-
ing energy.
• With this button normally soiled lin-
ens/coloureds can now be washed at
60 °C instead of 90 °C.
• With this button normal soiled syn-
thetics can be washed at 40 °C instead
of 60 °C.
The Intensive function can only be
used together with the Prewash func-
tion. As soon as you press the Inten-
sive button a pre-wash cycle is auto-
matically added to the programme.
It is possible to have the laundry soaked
before the washing cycle starts with the
19c button. This gives better washing re-
sults for badly soiled clothes.
Easy iron
If you press the button 19d, the drum
movement is reduced and spinning is lim-
ited to reduce creasing. In addition, the
washing is done at a higher water level.
• Use this button for delicate fabrics that
easily crease.
The maximum load is then
– for linens/coloureds: . . . . . . . 3.0 kg
– for synthetics: . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 kg
– for delicate fabrics: . . . . . . . . 1.0 kg
Quick wash
With button 19e the wash time is short-
• Use this function for small loads or less
soiled laundry.
19a 19b 19c 19d 19e