1. Dshwasher 3
Techncal specfcatons 4
2. Important safety
nstructons 5
General safety 5
Intended use 6
Chldren’s safety 6
3. Installaton 7
Approprate nstallaton locaton 7
Connectng water supply 7
Connecton to the dran 8
Adjustng the feet 9
Aquasafe+ 9
Intal use 9
Dsposng of packagng materal 10
Transportaton of the product 10
Complance wth the WEEE Drectve and
Dsposng of the Waste Product: 10
Complance wth RoHS Drectve: 10
4. Prewashng 11
Tps for energy savng 11
Water softenng system 11
Adjustng the water softenng
system 11
Addng salt 12
Detergent 13
Addng detergent 13
Tablet detergents 14
Rnse ad 15
Slverware basket 18
Slverware basket pece 18
Movable slverware basket 18
Collapsble lower basket wres (2
peces) 19
Collapsble lower basket
wres (4 peces) 19
Collapsble lower basket
wres (6 peces) 20
Collapsble lower basket wres
(4 & 8 peces) 21
Lower basket multpurpose / heght
adjustable servce rack 22
Lower basket bottle wre 23
Upper basket heght adjustable rack 23
Upper basket drawer 23
Upper basket glass support pece 24
Collapsble upper basket wres 24
Collapsble upper basket wres 25
Adjustng the heght of
loaded upper basket 26
Adjustng the heght of
loaded upper basket 27
Adjustng the heght of
empty upper basket 28
5. Operatng the product 29
Keys 30
Preparng the machne 30
Programme selecton 30
Auxlary functons 32
Programmng the washng tme 33
Startng the programme 34
Chld (Key) Lock 34
Cancellng the programme 35
Salt ndcator (
) 35
Rnse Ad ndcator (
) 35
End of programme 35
6. Mantenance and cleanng 36
Cleanng the outer surface of the
product 36
Cleanng the nteror of the
machne 36
Cleanng the flters 36
Cleanng the hose flter 37
Cleanng the mpellers 37
7. Troubleshootng 39