tüm siyah yazılar matbaaya giderken
Atılım rması basıyor
This product was manufactured using the latest technology in environmentally friendly conditions.
Please read ths user manual frst!
Dear Customer,
We hope that you get the best results from the product whch has been
manufactured n state-of-the-art plants and passed through a strct qualty
control procedure.
Therefore, please read the entre user manual carefully before usng the
product and keep t as a reference for future use. In case of transferrng the
product to someone else, gve the manual as well.
The user manual wll help you use your product n a fast and safe way.
• Read the user manual before nstallng and startng your product.
• Always follow the safety nstructons.
• Keep ths user manual wthn easy reach for future reference.
• Read also the other documents suppled wth the product.
Remember that ths user manual s also applcable for several other models.
Derences between models wll be dentfed n the manual.
Explanaton of symbols
Throughout ths User Manual the followng symbols are used:
Important nformaton or useful hnts about usage
Warnng for hazardous stuatons wth regard to lfe and property
Warnng for electrc shock
Packagng materals of the product are manufactured
from recyclable materals n accordance wth our Natonal
Envronment Regulatons.
Do not dspose of the packagng materals together wth the domestc or other
wastes. Take them to the packagng materal collecton ponts desgnated by
the local authortes.