Installing and Operating BayStack AN and ANH Routers
114113-B Rev. 00
Before You Begin
Before installing the AN or ANH, ensure that all network wiring has been
installed on the premises using standard cable-system practices.
Before turning on the AN or ANH for the first time, contact your network
administrator to determine which software configuration option to use.
angle brackets (< >) Indicate that you choose the text to enter based on the
description inside the brackets. Do not type the
brackets when entering the command.
Example: if command syntax is
you enter
bold text
Indicates text that you need to enter, command names,
and buttons in menu paths.
Example: Enter
wfsm &
Example: Use the
Example: ATM DXI > Interfaces > PVCs identifies the
PVCs button in the window that appears when you
select the Interfaces option from the ATM DXI menu.
brackets ([ ]) Indicate optional elements. You can choose none, one,
or all of the options.
ellipsis points Horizontal (. . .) and vertical ellipsis points indicate
omitted information.
italic text Indicates variable values in command syntax
descriptions, new terms, file and directory names, and
book titles.
quotation marks (“ ”) Indicate the title of a chapter or section within a book.
screen text
Indicates data that appears on the screen.
Set Bay Networks Trap Monitor Filters
separator ( > ) Separates menu and option names in instructions and
internal pin-to-pin wire connections.
Example: Protocols > AppleTalk identifies the
AppleTalk option in the Protocols menu.