Motorola 2247-N8 DSL Wi-Fi Gateway User Guide
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Once the Ethernet devices are connected to the 2247-N8, your net-
work may resemble the figure shown to the right.
Note: Almost every device is configured to get its network information
automatically using “DHCP,” and you should not need to configure your
computer. If you have trouble getting to the 2247-N8 Web page in the
next step, you can check your computer’s network settings in “Configur-
ing Client Devices” on page 116.
2247-N8 Ethernet Installation
Connecting to the Web Management Interface
3. Once you are connected to the 2247-N8, open a Web browser and
type into the address bar. Press ENTER.
An Access Code page opens in the browser.
2247-N8 Web Management Interface Address
4. At the Access Code page, follow the on-screen instructions to
decide if you want unrestricted LAN access or password-protected
access to your 2247-N8.
TIP: if you use password protection, your user name is “admin”.
Quickstart Access Code Page
After you log in to the 2247-N8, the Broadband Configuration page
will appear.
Wired (Ethernet) Network Setup (Continued)