Carrying out an emergen-
cy drain
1 Warning: Before emergency draining, switch
off the washing machine and remove the
mains plug from the socket.
Warning: The water that comes out of the
emergency drain hose may be hot. There is a
risk of scalding. Let the water cool before per-
forming an emergency drain.
1. Open the plinth flap and remove it.
2. Remove the emergency drain hose from the retain-
er and pull it out a little.
3. Place a shallow receptacle underneath it. Then
undo the sealing cap of the emergency drain hose.
4. The water will run out. If it is necessary to empty
the receptacle more than once, seal up the emer-
gency drain hose with the sealing cap while you
are doing so.
When the water has all drained away:
5. Use the sealing cap to close the emergency drain
6. Push the emergency drain hose in a little and place
it in the holder.
7. Insert the plinth flap into place and close it.