Manufacturing and Sales Programme:
WYSS MIRELLA Washing machines
WYSS MIRELLA Tumble driers
WYSS MIRELLA Centrifuges
Washing/drying appliances
Coin-operated meters and cashless card systems
Commercial washing machines, tumble driers, ironing machines and centrifuges
Sales – Service Offices
4052 Basel
St. Albanvorstadt 10
Tel.: 061 270 70 00
9014 St. Gallen
Zürcherstr. 238
Tel.: 071 277 78 78
3014 Bern
Militärstr. 59
Tel.: 031 331 56 41
8008 Zürich
Seefeldstr. 116
Tel.: 044 383 25 85
1004 Lausanne
Av. De Morges 9
Tel.: 021 625 88 58
Gebrüder WYSS AG, Waschmaschinenfabrik, 6233 Büron, Telefon 041-933 00 74, Fax 041-933 13 20
105 177 026-01-040406-03 Subject to change without notice