The installation of the pipes
and electrical equipments
should be done by professionals.
Electrical Shock H azard
Di sc onne ct e lect ri cal p o we r be fore
installing dishwasher.
electrical shock.
The installation position of dishwasher should be near the existing inlet and drain hoses and
power cord.
One side of the cabinet sink should be chosen to facilitate the connection of drain hoses of
the dishwasher.
Installation preparation
Note: please check the accompanying installation accessories(hook for aesthetic panel
Itis recommend that you run a washcycle with the
dish washer empt y an d the n re mov e th e pl ug f rom the
socket, turn o ff t he wa te r supply and l eave the door of
t he app lia n c e sl ightly ope n. T hi s wil l help th e door
seals to last longer and prevent odours from forming
withi nthe appliance.
If the appliance must be move d, tr y to keep it in t he
vertical position. If absolutely necessary, itcan be
positi oned on its back .
dishwasher i s f ood that re mai ns t rappe d in the seals .
Periodic clea ning with a damp sponge wi ll prev ent t hi s
f r o m oc cu rr i ng.
Af ter ever y wash, turn off t he w ater supp ly to the
applia nce and leave th e door sli ght ly op en so th at
m oistu re a nd odours a re no t t rapped in side.
Befo re cleani ng or perfo rming mainten ance, always
remove the p lug from the socket.
To clean the exterior andrubberparts of the dishwasher,
do not use solventsor abrasive cleaning products.
O nly use a c lo th with w arm so apy wate r.
To rem ove sp ots o r st ains from the sur f ace of t he
interi or, use a cloth dampened with water an a little
v inega r, o r a c lea ning pro duct mad e s peci fi cal ly for
After Every Wash
Remove the Plug
No Solvents or Abrasive Cleaning
Mov ing t he Ap plia nce
When not in Use for a LongTime