Dil ID: 7
Dil Adı: french
Dil Kodu: fr1tayfun Produits de la Marque Whirlpool
Dünyanın En Büyük
Elektronik Bilgi Kütüphanesi

The cont ro l pane l can be clea ned by using a l ightly dampen ed c loth.
Afte r cl eaning, m ake sure to dry i t t horoug hly.
For the exte ri or, us e a g ood appl iance po li s h wax.
Never u se sharp objects, sco ur ing pa ds or har sh c lea ners on a ny part o f the di shwasher.
Protect Again st Freezing
1.Cut off the electrical power to the dishwasher.
2.Tur n off th e w at er suppl y an d dis connec t th e w ater inlet pi pe from the wate r val ve.
3.Drain the water from the inlet pipe and water valve. (Use a pan to catch the water)
4.Reconnect t he water i nl et pipe to the wa ter val ve.
5.Remove the fil ter at the bottom of the tub and use a spong e to soak up wate r in the sump.
pl ease take fros t prot ectio n meas ures o n t he dishw asher in wint er. Ever y fter wa shing c ycles,
pl ease operat e as follows
time a
Caring for the Dishwasher
- Inspec t the filt er s for blo cking after e ver y time the di shwa sher ha s be en used .
- By uns crew ing t he coar se fi lter, you can remove t he filter syst em . Re move a ny foo d re mna nts and
clean the filters under runningwater.
Cleaning the Filter
Cleaning The Door
To clean t h e c o a rse f ilt er a nd t he fi n e fi l t e r, us e a cleani n g bru sh . Reas semble the f ilt er par ts as shown in th e fi gures
on th e last pa ge a nd r eins ert t he e nti re ass emb ly in the dis hwa sher, pos itio ning i t i n i ts se at and pres sing dow nwa rds .
The entire filter assembly should be cleaned once a week.
When cleaning the filters, don't knock on them. Otherwise, the filters could be
contorted and the performance of the dishwashercould be decreased.
To clean the e dge ar ound the door, you shoul d u se o nly a soft wa rm, d am p cloth.
To avoid pene trat i on o f wa ter i nto the d oor lock and el ectrical com po nents, do not
use a spray cleaner of any kind.
Never u se a spr ay cl ean er t o cl ean t he door panel as it m ay dam age the door loc k
and electrical components.
Abr asive ag ent s o r som e pa pe r towels s hou ld not be use d b ecau se of th e ris k o f
sc r a t c hing o r l eav ing spots on the s tain less steel s urfa ce.
Cleaning the Spray Arms
It is nece ssary to clean the spray a rms regul arly in order to
remove th e a ccumulation of s cale from the har d water
and thus preve nt blocking of spray arm j ets and bearin gs.
We Sug ges t to poke the blocked spray ar m j ets wit h a nee dle
to ensure good washi ng effect.
I f you r dishwa sher cannot wor k be ca u se o f the ic e, ple a se conta ct professio nal s erv ice perso ns.