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remote sensor
The device that receives InfraRed (IR) signals from other devices, like a remote control. Remote sensors could be peripheral devices,
or could also be built into either computers or monitors.
removable media
Any type of storage that is not permanently attached to the computer. This includes CompactFlash, memory stick, wireless drives, and
other portable storage media.
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A reduced image of a graphic, used to display multiple images at once.
transport controls
Transport controls are used to play, pause, fast forward, rewind, stop, and record media, or to change channels, adjust the volume, and
mute the sound. Transport controls are located both on screen in menu bar mode and on the remote control.
TV service provider
The analog, digital, or cable TV provider that you subscribe to for your television service.
TV signal cable
A coaxial or RF cable that connects the source of the cable, satellite, or rooftop TV signal to the TV or computer.
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video capture device
An add-on device for digitizing video images for use on a computer.
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