Dealing with Problems (Summary)
Shutting down
Windows cannot be shut
down or restarted
If a USB device is connected, try removing it.
“This program is not re
sponding’* is displayed
when shutting down or.log
ging off
This message appears periodically; for example, when using a Wireless LAN. If the mes
sage appears, select [End Now]. Delete the check mark for [Show the tray icon] in the
following menu.
[Start] - [Programs] - [Intel Network Adapters] - pntel(R) PROSet]
[start] - [All Programs] - pntel Network Adapters] - [Intel(R) PROSet]
• PressC Ctrl )+C Shift )+(^sc )to open Task Manager and close the software application
which is not responding.
• After shutting down by pressing the power switch for more than four seconds, press the
power switch to power on and open the application again.
If the program no longer works normally, delete the program using the following menu.
Then reinstall the program.
: [Control Panel] - [Add/Remove Programs]
: [Control Panel] - [Add or Remove Programs]