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Clean/Change Cartridges and Check Ink Levels
Select the Properties button here to display the current ink
levels as well as options for cleaning and changing cartridges.
Select the Clean button to send a simple test pattern to the
printer. Be sure to have a disc in the printer's input bin and the
front cover closed. The test pattern, shown below, purges ink
through nozzles of your ink cartridge to clear any blockages.
The test pattern will show if the nozzles require any further
If the Yellow, Magenta, Cyan, Light Magenta, Light Cyan or
Black diagonal lines printed on the disc show breaks, repeat
the cleaning procedure. If nozzles still appear to be clogged,
remove the cartridge and gently wipe the nozzle area sideways
with a clean water dampened cloth. If after several cleanings a
color still does not appear on the test print, the cartridge may
be damaged or empty and may need to be replaced. Select
the Change button to install a fresh, new ink cartridge or to