96 www.kodak.com/go/aiosupport
Changing resolution and brightness
Before sending your fax, change the resolution and brightness settings, as needed,
based on your original.
To modify settings before sending your fax:
1. Press Fax.
2. With Fax Options selected, press OK.
3. Press to select Resolution.
The resolution setting determines the amount of detail that is transmitted.
• Standard (default) for most documents
• Fine for documents with fine print
• Photo for photographs
4. Press to select Brightness.
Adjust the brightness setting according to how light or dark your original is.
• Normal (default) for most documents
• +1 to +3 to lighten dark originals
• -1 to -3 to darken light originals
NOTE: If you do not want to save these settings for future faxes, send your fax. The
settings will apply only to the current transmission. If you want to save these
settings as defaults:
a. Press to select Save as Defaults, then press OK.
b. Select Ye s , then press OK.