small image 165
unexpected mirror image 165
unexpected rotation 165
unintelligible print 165
Visio 2003 166
InDesign 76
ink cartridge
about 196
cannot insert 168
cannot remove 168
get information 105
insert 91
maintenance 115
non-HP 196
not accepted 168
order 214
refill 196
remove 88
specification 208
status messages 169
ink system status 105
ink system tips 198
Instant Support 220
internal prints 192
job status 47
landscape orientation 61
language 17
lights at rear 192
load a sheet
4020 28
load roll into printer
4020 24
4520 33
load roll onto spindle
4020 22
4520 31
loading paper problems
4020 130
4520 131
lubricate the carriage 114
lubricate the platen rollers 183
maintenance 193
manual cutter
4520 38
change 59
none 60
none added 60
specification 209
maximum speed 59
mechanical accuracy 209
media profiles
download 40
memory error 183
memory error (AutoCAD) 183
memory specifications 210
Microsoft Office 82
mirror image 63
mirror image unexpected 165
misaligned colors 154
move the printer 115
multiroll printing
4520 203
nesting 47
non-HP ink cartridges 196
non-HP paper 41
on hold for paper
enable/disable 179
message 178
accessories 217
ink cartridges 214
paper 214
printhead cleaners 214
printheads 214
orientation 61
out-of-memory error 183
overlapping images 165
overlapping lines 65
overnight printing
4520 49
oversize pages 60
page size
custom 56
change settings 64
cannot load [4020] 130
cannot load [4520] 131
display information 40
front panel names 200
non-HP 41
order 214
recommended 200
supported 200
tips 200
weights 214
widths 214
paper advance calibration 125
paper jam
4020 131
4520 133
drawer 2 142
paper length tracking
4020 24
4520 36
paper not flat 152
paper sizes (max & min) 208
partial print 164
clipped 166
language setting 65
missing objects 166
pen settings ineffective 165
HP-GL/2 and HP RTL
driver 69
PostScript driver 73
physical specifications 209
portrait orientation 61
PostScript 65
power specifications 210
preset 161
preventive maintenance 193
print job
cancel 45
ink usage 108
nesting 47
paper usage 108
queue management 45
reprint 45
save 44
submit 44
print quality
change 57
choose 57
print quality problems
banding 150
blurred lines 155
discontinuous lines 155
general 150
graininess 152
horizontal lines 150
ink bleeding 155
ink marks 153
misaligned colors 154
paper not flat 152
smudging 152
solid bands/lines 151
224 Index ENWW