stepped lines 154
thin lines 151
top of print 154
warped lines 156
print resolution 208
printer components
4020 3
4520 4
printer does not print 180
printer features 2
printer software
Mac OS direct install 12
Mac OS network install 11
Mac OS uninstall 12
update 116
Windows direct install 11
Windows network install 10
Windows uninstall 11
about 197
align 101
cannot insert 168
clean 97
clean connections 97
get information 106
insert 94
monitor 97
order 214
recover 97
remove 92
replace 168
reseat 168
specification 208
status messages 169
printhead cleaner
about 198
cannot insert 168
insert 103
order 214
remove 102
specification 208
status messages 169
printheads are limiting
performance 178
printing shortcut 161
QuarkXPress 79
quick set 161
rear lights 192
recommended papers 200
refill ink cartridges 196
rendering intent 69
resolution 208
restart the printer 16
roll paper
load into the printer [4020] 24
load into the printer [4520] 33
load onto the spindle
[4020] 22
load onto the spindle
[4520] 31
trim [4520] 38
unload [4020] 27
unload [4520] 36
roll switching policy
4520 205
roller lubrication 183
rotate an image 62
rotation unexpected 165
scale an image 63
sheet paper [4020]
load 28
unload 31
sleep mode wait time 19
slow printing 181
small image 165
smudging 152
software 8
software update 116
acoustic 211
ecological 210
environmental 210
graphic languages 209
hard disk 210
ink supplies 208
margins 209
mechanical accuracy 209
memory 210
paper size 208
physical 209
power 210
print resolution 208
squeaky rollers 183
stacker [4520]
change rolls 53
change the temperature 52
clean the exterior 53
clean the rollers 53
ink marks 153
install 52
move 54
paper not completely
ejected 172
paper scrolls 172
stacker disconnected 173
store 54
trailing edge curls 172
uninstall 52
using paper 201
stacking problems in bin 147
ink cartridge 105
printer usage 108
printhead 106
status 47
stepped lines 154
store the printer 115
support services
HP Customer Care 220
HP Designjet Online 221
HP Instant Support 220
supported papers 200
switch the printer on/off 16
thin lines 151
time, reset 19
trim the paper
4520 38
unattended printing
4520 49
unintelligible print 165
unload a sheet
4020 31
unload roll from printer
4020 27
4520 36
Visio 2003, no output 166
warped lines 156
warranty note 106
Web access to printer 187
ENWW Index 225