4 U25339-J-Z126-1-7600
Manufacturer instructions Important instructions
● The cables must be laid in such a way that there is no danger of anyone tripping over
them and they cannot be damaged.
● Data transmission lines must not be connected or disconnected during electrical
● Ensure that no foreign bodies (e.g. necklaces, paperclips etc.) or liquids find their way
into the device (danger of electric shock, short circuit).
● Repairs to the device may only be carried out by authorized and trained personnel. All
areas which are secured by locks or can only be opened using tools are maintenance
areas and may only be accessed by trained personnel.
Unauthorized opening of the maintenance area and improper repairs can be dangerous
for the user (electric shock, danger of fire).
2.2 Manufacturer instructions
This product complies with the EC guideline 89/336/EEC "Electronic Compati-
bility". The product bears the EC certificate.
2.3 RFI suppression
WARNING: This is a class A equipment. This equipment may cause interference to
radio and television reception in a residential installation. If it does cause inter-
ference, the user may be requested to take appropriate corrective measures at his
or her own cost.
The devices generate and emit high-frequency energy.
If the devices are installed and used other than as instructed in the manual, failures in the
devices or other electric systems may occur. If failures of this type occur it is the task of the
user to carry out measurements and implement measures to solve the problem. Only the
cables supplied with the system or recommended by SNI may be used.
All other devices which are connected to the present product must be radio interference
suppressed in accordance with BMPT Order No. 1046/84 and Order No. 243/91 or EU
Directive 89/336/EEC. Products which satisfy this requirements are provided with an appro-
priate certificate by the manufacturer and bear the CE mark or the interference suppression